Nabizime ubytovani v nasem apartman hotel v Linnerydu. A proc by se prave Linneryd stat mel mistem pro straveni Vasi dovolene? Pokud chcete poznat ”pravy” svedsky venkov a obdivuhodnou zdejsi prirodu a zivot “obycejnych” Svedu, mate jedinecnou moznost.
Obec Linneryd je turisticke centrum jihosvedske oblasti Småland. Zije zde asi 450 stalych obyvatel. Linneryd lezi uprostred hlubokych lesu a trpytivych jezer v chranene prirodni oblasti a je rajem pro turisty, rybare, houbare a se svymi udrzovanymi cyklostezkami pro milovniky cykloturistiky a v zime bezkareni. Jedna z techto trati navazuje primo na obec a je lemovana verejnym osvetlenim. Linneryd seachazi se zhruba 30 km od univerzitniho mesta Växjö, kam z je z Linnerydu pohodlne autobusove spojeni, stejne jako do blizkych mestecek Tingsryd, Lessebo ci Emmaboda. Zastavka je 5 min. pesky od penzionu. S prestupem si muzete udelat vylet autobusem do zhruba 60 km vzdalenych pristavnich mest Ronneby, Karlshamn nebo Kalmar, ze ktereho vede most na nejznamnejsi svedsky ostrov Öland.
Linneryd je starobila vesnice, kde podle archelogickych nalezu zili lide uz v dobe kamenne. Zdejsi kostel byl postaven roku 1304 a do nynejsi podoby prestaven v roce 1797. V obci, jejiz architektura nevybocuje z typicke svedske, najdete v jedne z historickych budov muzeum, ktere prezentuje uceleny obraz mistni historie a venskovskeho zivota v minulych stoleti.
Ubytovani budete ve starodavnem staveni z roku 1897 prestavenem na rodinny penzion rovnez v typickem svedskem stylu. Dum je vzdalen cca 300 m od jezera a 300 m od hlubokych lesu, kde je mozne zahlednout nejen losa, ale i napriklad rysa, a dokonce i medveda. Nejednoho obdivovatele prirody tu dozajista uchvati pozorovani nepreberneho mnozstvi divokeho ptactva. U jezera se nachazi mensi kemp s prijemnou piscitou plazi a pozvolnym vstupem do vody, coz oceni zejmena deti. Mistni obchod je z penzionu vydalen 250 m.
Ubytovani v Linne apartan1 je na plose 80 m2, ktere zahrnuje 2 prostorne mistnosti, halu, WC, koupelnu a jednoducha vybavena kuchyn. K dispozici je venkovni posezeni s moznosti grilovani. Vstup do domu je vlastnim vchodem a dale do mistnosti v prvnim poschodi bez vytahu. Ubytovani slouzi max. pro 6 osob. Vase mozne dotazy radi zodpovime prostrednictvim e-malu: paul.aberg1@live.se.
Cena ubytovani zahrnuje: Povleceni, rucniky, gril, parkovani, zaverecny uklid.
Je mozne dokoupit si jednoduchou snidani, spa, sauna, rybarsky povoleni.
Cena je bez dopravy.
Cestu si muzete objednat : booking.com /villa Linneryd/ nebo paul.aberg1@live.se
We offer accommodation in our apartment hotel in Linneryd. And why should Linneryd become the place to spend your vacation? If you want to get to know the "real" Swedish countryside and the wonderful nature here and the life of "ordinary" Swedes, you have a unique opportunity.
The village of Linneryd is a tourist center in the southern Swedish region of Småland. About 450 permanent residents live here. Linneryd lies in the middle of a deep forest and shimmering lakes in a protected natural area and is a paradise for hikers, fishermen, mushroom pickers and with its well-maintained cycle paths for lovers of cycle tourism and in winter cross-country skiing. One of these tracks connects directly to the village and is lined with public lighting. Linneryd is about 30 km from the university town of Växjö, there are convenient bus connections from Linneryd, as well as to the nearby towns of Tingsryd, Lessebo and Emmaboda. The stop is 5 min. walking distance from the guest house. With a transfer, you can take a bus trip to the approximately 60 km distant port cities of Ronneby, Karlshamn or Kalmar, from which a bridge leads to the most famous Swedish island of Öland.
Linneryd is an ancient village where, according to archaeological finds, people lived as early as the Stone Age. The church here was built in 1304 and rebuilt to its present form in 1797. In the village, whose architecture does not deviate from typical Swedish architecture, you will find a museum in one of the historical buildings, which presents a comprehensive picture of local history and village life in the past centuries.
You will be accommodated in a renovated building from 1897 converted into a family pension, also in typical Swedish style. The house is located approx. 300 m from the lake and 300 m from the deep forest, where you can spot not only moose, but also, for example, lynx and even a bear. Many admirers of nature will surely be captivated by the sight of an immense number of wild birds. There is a smaller campsite by the lake with a pleasant sandy beach and a gradual entry into the water, which is especially appreciated by children. A local shop is 250 m from the guesthouse.
Accommodation in Linne apartment 1 is on an area of 80 m2, which includes 2 spacious rooms, a hall, a toilet and a bathroom, in one of the rooms there is a simple equipped kitchen. There is an outdoor seating area with the possibility of grilling. The entrance to the house is through its own entrance and then to a room on the first floor without an elevator. The accommodation is for a maximum of 6 people. We will be happy to answer your possible questions via e-mail: paul.aberg1@live.se.
The accommodation price includes: Bed linen, towels, final cleaning.
It is possible to buy a simple breakfast.
The price does not cover travel expenses.
booking.com /villa Linneryd/